The Serene House of Care LLC amenities were created with the residents in mind. Safety and quality of care are our top priorities; therefore, a 24-hour fire alarm monitoring system is in place at the facility. Security cameras are inside and outside, which are being monitored 24 hours a day. The facility has been recently inspected for mold and has received a mold protection aerosol treatment that lasts for years. We have 24-hour wakeful staff to help with the resident’s every need. There are daily cleaning services. Each resident will also receive a free birthday cake on their special day!
Come join us for one of our ice cream socials. Residents will receive three delicious, nutritious home-cooked meals each day and nutritious snacks, water, tea, coffee, and assorted beverages are available throughout the day. We offer free computer training to all residents that are interested in participating. Our list of fun and entertainment goes on and on. Check us out to see what else we have to offer your loved one!
We Have Gone Solar!!!
The Serene House of Care, LLC is doing its part in saving our planet through the use of sustainable, solar energy sources. We have installed quality solar panels that utilize renewable solar energy from the sun to power our home and activities. We have invested in back-up power sources that will continue to power us, even when traditional power sources are unavailable. Check out a diagram of our solar energy system in the gallery!
Specially Prepared
Designed With You In Mind
Activities of Daily Living
Extra Support Provided